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Na Sydney.pl pokazałam większość imprez, jednak dokładniej można zobaczyć je na stronach organizatorów festiwalu.
Pożegnanie PolArtu w pięknym sydnejskim porcie Darling Habour
Foto: Wanda i Wiesław Rogoliński
On behalf of the PolArt Sydney 2022 organising committee, we would like to extend our thanks and heartfelt gratitude to everyone, but especially to all participants, volunteers, sponsors and supporters. This festival brings together all the beautiful components of Polonia and it couldn’t have been achieved without you all.
We look forward to continue to share a few more highlights of the festival over the next few days as we wrap up. Our volunteers are taking a well deserved break, but if you have any questions or queries, please direct them to info@polartsydney.com.au
Z całego serca dziękuję Teatrowi z Perth Scena 98 a także autorowi sztuki "Dzieci Maharadży" Jerzy Krysiak za możliwość zagrania w teatrze w Sydney w tym wzruszającym spektaklu. Dziękuję aktorom, reżyserom i ekipie pracującej za kulisami. Szczególne uznanie dla dzieci, które zagrały. Daliśmy wszyscy radę. Tak przynajmniej uznała publiczność i media
CHRISTOPHER MALEK | SYDNEY Christopher Malek is one of the finest international concert pianists of his generation. Thanks to the poetic quality of his interpretation and extraordinary virtuosity, he is best known for performances of music of the romantic period where he continues the grand tradition of the Golden Age of piano. Top prizewinner at many competitions, he won his first national contest at an early age of 10, which was followed by his debut with an orchestra. He received First Prize and Gold Medal at the Chopin Competition in Australia, First Prize at the International Competition in Poland, Second Prize at the International Chopin Competition in Europe, and others.
Christopher performed extensively in over thirty countries around Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. He made a number of archive recordings for radio and television, released CDs and DVDs and also played the title role of Frederic Chopin in a film about the composer.
Koncert Muzyki Klasycznej na festiwalu PolArt (Radio SBS)
W czwartek 5 stycznia na deskach Tom Mann Theatre odbył się międzynarodowy koncert muzyki klasycznej, w którym wzięli udział wybitni muzycy pochodzenia polskiego, mieszkający i tworzący w Australii. Na widowni obecna była Gubernator Nowej Południowej Walii Pani Margaret Beazley. Koncert przygotował Jerzy Ścisłowski, dyrektor muzyczny festiwalu.
We love a good read, and where better than the Gallery Room at the State Library of New South Wales
Epic of Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz was celebrated at The State Library of New South Wales with special guests Marcel Weyland and online professor Maria Berkan-Jabłońska from the University of Łódź. A unique gathering where excerpts were read in Polish and English by the translator Marcel Weyland, who sealed the Polish-Australian connection with his translation of Pan Tadeusz, published in 2004. A special video was presented especially created for this event, by the Pan Tadeusz Museum in Wrocław. Participants had a rare opportunity to view a display of Pan Tadeusz editions from The State Library of New South Wales.
The PolArt Inc "Legacy Award" is awarded to those rare individuals who have participated in six or more PolArt festivals, thereby demonstrating 18 years' commitment to Polish Visual & Performing Arts. Congratulations to the 27 recipients who were presented with their commemorative certificate prior to today's second concert at PolArt 2022 Sydney!
Polski zespół folklorystyczny Podhale, dzieci i młodzież...💖
from - TimeOut
Experience traditional dance, live concerts, and more during 11 vibrant days as the world's largest touring Polish arts festival comes to Sydney
Home to the incredibly moreish pierogi, the world’s biggest castle and Europe’s oldest forest, Poland is rich in culture and traditional dance, with its origins dating back centuries.
Those familiar with Polish folkloric dance will be thrilled to know the world’s largest touring Polish arts festival, PolArt, returns to Sydney for the first time since 2003 from December 27 to January 6, 2023.
Running over 11 days, the festival features dance performances, live music concerts, art exhibitions, workshops and more. See works by sculptor Barbara Licha, whose work has been showcased in Sculpture by the Sea; classical pianist Christopher Malek; author of children's book series Pucio, Marta Galewska-Kustra; as well as over 700 performers from 20 dance and theatre companies from around Australia and NZ.
Artists, art talks, art walks and so much more at last nights BLOCK PARTY: ART WALK.
Foto - Nicolas Madeley
Foto - Julia Firak
WIELKA WYCIECZKA PO POLSCE: ARRASY TAŃCA w International Convention Centre Sydney - ICC Sydney zabrało nas w niezwykłą podróż po Polsce i zapoznało z różnymi regionami i ich tradycjami.