- voice, video, foto

Jest to portal pokazujący wybrane wydarzenia wśród Polonii sydnejskiej oraz w Polsce.
Będziemy również zamieszczać fotogalerie z miejsc w Sydney i okolic. (Każde zdjęcie powiększa się po kliknięciu na...)
Zapraszamy do współpracy wszystkich, którzy mają coś ciekawego do zaprezentowania.
Strona non profit. Istnieje od maja 2019r

środa, 16 lutego 2022

Portrety aktorów Teatru Fantazja - w obiektywie Adama Wolnickiego. Aktorzy pozują w kostiumach ze sztuki Aleksandra Fredry "Damy i huzary".


Wiktoria Dziwnik

Bogusław Szpilczak

Wiesław Rogoliński
Jolanta Szewczyk
Marta Kieć-Gubała
Elżbieta Chylewska
Eliza Anna Falkiewicz
Andrzej Świtakowski
Jacek Samborski

Autorem zdjęć jest
artysta fotografik

Adam Wolnic

Blue Mountains based photographer Adam Wolnicki was born in Poland and came to Australia in 1982. His first contact with photography was in the early 70’s when he captured and developed his first black and white photos.

Originally an Interior Designer, he is aware of the impact and relation humans have with their building environment. In his photos he wants to show the complexity of this process and the ways it effects our lives.

Environmental Portrait, Still Life and Street Photography is where he is engaging his sense and understanding of design elements and principles.

A preview of his current project which presents Polish emigrants from the 1980’s and 1990’s now living in Australia was exhibited at the Bankstown Library and Knowledge Centre.


Esej zdjęciowy  [POL-OZZIES]

This is just a small preview of the upcoming photo essay about Polish emigrants who came and settled in Australia between 1980 and 1990. In general, Polish migrants assimilate more easily than many other migrant groups creating what we might want to call - [pol-ozzies].

The biggest wave of migrants from Poland started in 1980 and ended in the early 1990s. Between 1980 and 1985, 15,570 Polish settlers arrived in Australia. At the 1991 Census, the Poland-born population increased to 68,496 people - an all-time high.

“We all came with big hopes for a new life. With small suitcases, often with the ‘baggage’ of our lives left behind, we landed in Australia. Each life different but the same in many ways. Memories, living memories waiting to be turned into stone monuments”

Strony internetowe Adama Wolnickiego

Zaglądać warto, świetne zdjęcia portretowe, wiele osób rozpoznacie, bo znacie osobiście i doskonale są uchwycone charaktery portretowanych.

Także ulice, australijska przyroda, ocean, Góry Błękitne i wiele innych bardzo ciekawych, świetnie wykonanych fotografii.
Serdecznie zapraszam! 
