Gathering of Guardians
The Freedom Day 12/02/2022
11 February 2022 We decided to go to Epic Park on Thursday.
It was something inside us which told that Saturday Protest is going to be very important for our kids and grandkids future.
On Friday morning we packed our car with the camping stuff and around 2 pm we left towards Canberra. We arrived in Canberra at 6.45 pm and stopped our car in the street which was leading to Epic Park and there we were stacked for almost 3 hours waiting to enter the camp.
The energy of the place we were stacked in was captivating. Although the traffic was in gridlock, buses, 4WDs, cars and vans were patiently pouring into campsite from all directions, causing momentarily distraction to an otherwise sleepy capital city’s nigh time routine.
Police was present, but only to help the traffic.
It was something inside us which told that Saturday Protest is going to be very important for our kids and grandkids future.
On Friday morning we packed our car with the camping stuff and around 2 pm we left towards Canberra. We arrived in Canberra at 6.45 pm and stopped our car in the street which was leading to Epic Park and there we were stacked for almost 3 hours waiting to enter the camp.
The energy of the place we were stacked in was captivating. Although the traffic was in gridlock, buses, 4WDs, cars and vans were patiently pouring into campsite from all directions, causing momentarily distraction to an otherwise sleepy capital city’s nigh time routine.
Police was present, but only to help the traffic.
I must say we never in our life have experienced anything like this, ever. Driving through the streets and the campsite in Canberra we have seen the biggest celebration of Freedom & Unity & Equality. Thousands of people from all walks of life gathered at hot and dusty site, not really an ideal camping location.
But the joy, the comradery, the common purpose, and reason that tied these people together was heart wrenching and heart-warming at the same time.
“As a disabled elderly I have suffered two years of isolation. I came to Canberra to join other Australians and support them to stop this madness. Last night for the first time I did have a dinner with other Australians. Today I spent the entire day talking to people, laughing, and singing – the things I was being robbed off. I do believe the Good Lord alone will come one day and take me when I’m ready. Because of coming here, I have no fears anymore. I will never be injected with experimental drugs. Just incredible, how much those little heroes have done to me. All of them. They are turning so many of our lives around. Courage is indeed contagious. God bless you sister”.
“It was a calling I felt deep in my soul that I had to be there and my family, so we decided to pack the kids in the car and my mum, and I drove from Central Coast. We arrived late Friday afternoon and it was like a welcoming home from family we had finally found our tribe. It was so overwhelming and emotional driving into camp freedom that I cried because we knew then and there we were not alone”.
“I arrived on the Wednesday from Cairns. I had a hundred reasons to stay at home and only one reason to go. I literally just threw what I thought I would need in the back of the car and went! And yes I would do it over again in a heartbeat”. “My soul brought me to Canberra. I feel a responsibility and overwhelming sense of urgency. A calling from spirit. I finally found my people. My family.”
“This is the time of the rainbow warriors, those that are here, to help heal the world”
“On Friday morning I had this urgency that I had to go, and my all family had the same feelings, so we all packed our cars and came here. There is the positive energy that is difficult to express. It is like in lyrics from the song: “Love is in the air”.
“People are still losing jobs over the virus. My two kids lost not only their jobs but also their houses as they did not have enough money to pay their mortgages. I came here for the great awakening, and I tell you I am someone who hates driving long distances (1186 km…) which I was driving alone”.
“I never been to a protest before, but my heart and soul would not rest in the 2 days before I decided to leave. I quickly packed my car on the Friday morning and drive 8 hrs solo to get there. The pull to Canberra in my heart is something I cannot describe in words. It was and it will be a moment in my life that I will never forget. The most amazing day of my life”.
“There are a lot of kids here. I am a mum of 2 girls. Everyone is lovely. No registration. No pay. Fruit/snacks available free… food for kids. They did a free delivery of ice creams yesterday for the kids. They are running kids’ clubs and home schooling etc.
Free meals too. Clothing swap. Etc.”
11:30pm - we went into our car to rest, and we were amazed that the camp was so silent.
It was hard to believe that hundreds of thousand people were around us at that time.
12 February 2022
And what happened in Canberra on Saturday was unprecedented and incredibly exciting!
And what happened in Canberra on Saturday was unprecedented and incredibly exciting!
This day people’s revolution took place as within just two weeks, with zero mainstream publicity or public promotion of any kind, a massive convoy of approximately 1 million people from across of Australia arrived in Canberra.
This day brought us memories of Poland’s trade union
movement, “Solidarność” in many ways, especially when we could see the very
well-known flags that time with sign “Solidarity” and face great unity
well-known “Solidarność” members.
Some of them who were repressed in Poland and came to Australia to find a political and economic freedom cannot believe that this dream country recently became another communist country very similar to China. Therefore, they decided to become so active in taking actions in last protests.
As day before we started talking to people and recording their emotions and feelings.
“We want all the politicians sacked and the Australia to come back under Commonwealth of Australian like it should be with people in charge of what we want for our country the politicians work for us not for the Cooperation’s they are involved with”.
“The best thing for Australians is for the present bunch of politicians to be sacked and charged with tyranny”.
“The best thing for Australians is for the present bunch of politicians to be sacked and charged with tyranny”.
“This is a people’s movement. Normal everyday Australians made the call and then people came”
“What kind of dictatorship are we under. Remember Hong Kong not long ago. Very shilling reality”
“This is a bit different to Victoria. They spray us with pepper spray and shoot us with rubber bullets, we got 78% of all fines given out in Australia in the last two years, thanks to Dictator Dan. What a disgrace…”
“Can you see this iceberg? The people you can see are just then tip. There are a lot of more of us supporting them from home. Pollies need to remember just how much of the iceberg is not visible but still is part of the whole”.
“I am here with my son and his family: my grandson and my granddaughter. There are most beautiful people here. I never ever experienced such a warmest welcome from my Aussie brothers and sisters. Love you all”.
“My concern is the government will force the unvaccinated to vaccinate by imposing fines, taking all financial work away, and even threatening jail”.
“I am here for all medical staff which lost their jobs. I would rather have an unwaxed nurse looking after me than having no nurse at all”.
“The human race is being slaughtered through the injection of clot shots that are deliberately designed to reduce the global population through death and infertility. All politicians, scientists, regulators and journalists who are in on this are committing genocidal crimes against humanity and they are even targeting children and pregnant women”. “Time to stop this madness and make those responsible face justice for crimes against humanity”.
“Amazing the Australian spirit rising to the top”. “You must be Polish, so you know what to expect from communist tyrants”.
“Polish people teach us how to get rid of this communist state governments”.
Later afternoon we came back to the camp.
Cheerful volunteers were already feeding the protesters, chopping vegetables, making coffees and sandwiches, running a clothes shop, doing massages, holding prayer sessions, looking after this big, united family.
We met so many amazing people from all walks of life, we shared stories, further truthers, laughed, cried, danced, cheered, ate, etc. together.
Even the men’s toilet turned into a unisex toilet with a different meaning to what the lefties intend. It was as if we had found out “people”. We were one. It was amazing.
But, listening to police, doctors, a soldier, a nurse, ordinary Aussies, and other professionals who have lost their jobs and more - was moving and powerful. We felt so proud to stand with loving, caring, concerned Australian from all walks of life, spread over every generation - who loved one another so much, who provided for each other, hugged, and listened to each other.
Such compassion and dignity, it is difficult to express in words.
Written by: Danuta & Bogusław Piotrowscy
Photos: Danuta & Bogusław Piotrowscy
Written by: Danuta & Bogusław Piotrowscy
Photos: Danuta & Bogusław Piotrowscy